
Install this tool using pip:

pip install shot-scraper

This tool depends on Playwright, which first needs to install its own dedicated Chromium browser.

Run shot-scraper install once to install that:

% shot-scraper install
Downloading Playwright build of chromium v965416 - 117.2 Mb [====================] 100% 0.0s 
Playwright build of chromium v965416 downloaded to /Users/simon/Library/Caches/ms-playwright/chromium-965416
Downloading Playwright build of ffmpeg v1007 - 1.1 Mb [====================] 100% 0.0s 
Playwright build of ffmpeg v1007 downloaded to /Users/simon/Library/Caches/ms-playwright/ffmpeg-1007

If you want to use other browsers such as Firefox you should install those too:

% shot-scraper install -b firefox

shot-scraper shot --help#

Full --help for the shot-scraper install command:

Usage: shot-scraper install [OPTIONS]

  Install the Playwright browser needed by this tool.


      shot-scraper install

  Or for browsers other than the Chromium default:

      shot-scraper install -b firefox

  -b, --browser [chromium|firefox|webkit|chrome|chrome-beta]
                                  Which browser to install
  --help                          Show this message and exit.