Saving a web page to PDF

The shot-scraper pdf command saves a PDF version of a web page - the equivalent of using Print -> Save to PDF in Chromium.

shot-scraper pdf

This will save to datasette-io.pdf. You can use -o to specify a filename:

shot-scraper pdf \
  -o learn-sql.pdf

You can pass the path to a local file on disk instead of a URL:

shot-scraper pdf invoice.html -o invoice.pdf

shot-scraper pdf --help

Full --help for this command:

Usage: shot-scraper pdf [OPTIONS] URL

  Create a PDF of the specified page


      shot-scraper pdf

  Use -o to specify a filename:

      shot-scraper pdf -o datasette.pdf

  You can pass a path to a file instead of a URL:

      shot-scraper pdf invoice.html -o invoice.pdf

  -a, --auth FILENAME             Path to JSON authentication context file
  -o, --output FILE
  -j, --javascript TEXT           Execute this JS prior to creating the PDF
  --wait INTEGER                  Wait this many milliseconds before taking the
  --wait-for TEXT                 Wait until this JS expression returns true
  --timeout INTEGER               Wait this many milliseconds before failing
  --media-screen                  Use screen rather than print styles
  --landscape                     Use landscape orientation
  --format [Letter|Legal|Tabloid|Ledger|A0|A1|A2|A3|A4|A5|A6]
                                  Which standard paper size to use
  --width TEXT                    PDF width including units, e.g. 10cm
  --height TEXT                   PDF height including units, e.g. 10cm
  --scale FLOAT RANGE             Scale of the webpage rendering  [0.1<=x<=2.0]
  --print-background              Print background graphics
  --log-console                   Write console.log() to stderr
  --fail                          Fail with an error code if a page returns an
                                  HTTP error
  --skip                          Skip pages that return HTTP errors
  --bypass-csp                    Bypass Content-Security-Policy
  --silent                        Do not output any messages
  --auth-password TEXT            Password for HTTP Basic authentication
  --auth-username TEXT            Username for HTTP Basic authentication
  --help                          Show this message and exit.